Thursday, July 29, 2004
I Got Game
Why do I have so much game? Nine tenths of the girls I talked to and three fourths of the guys were "cool" with me. I even used my mental powers to win three bets tonight:
- Sarah from Germany is 22; and, is REALLY hard to talk to.
- Tim, from Virginia, thinks I'm "really cool" and wants me.
- The chick in the red dress, not that girl in the red dress Tom, wanted me, but I had to tell her that it was just a bet and I was married and, more importantly because it won the bet, was Russian and she believed me.
I should bet more often.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Screwing the Pooch
Bradly's in trouble. I left my company credit card in a taxicab in DC. Of course, the cab's don't use radios and I didn't get the cab number, so I'm pretty much screwed unless the driver calls the base to report the card. As if that'll happen. So basically, I've got to call the office and tell them some dude is running around the capitol with my card. Great, just great.
Friday, July 23, 2004
I'm more than a bit upset
Tonight's my last night in ATL for somewhere in the vacinity of a month and I didn't get to see Mel this go round. I know I got to see her last week, but I have a gift to give her. If you know Marci, ask her how I almost described it. Anyway, now Mel has to fight Marc over it. That's what happens when you don't show up to collect your fabulous gifts and prizes!
Guess what it is. Two hints:
Guess what it is. Two hints:
- It's the last of a set
- I had to refinance my car for it
A prize to the first person who guesses what it is. (Marci and her crew are not eligible.)
Dear sweet jesus I'm bored. I think I've played just about every game on I'm watching some Surreal Life marathon and completely putting off repacking. I just can't get motivated to do anything. I know what it is. I'm sitting on the phone waiting for a phone call like some high school girl waiting for the college kid that took her virginity and said he'd call her the next day. Talk about pathetic.
I was a total party pooper last night. I had to get up this morning for class so I actually skipped out on free beer. Then when people got back we went out to some bar about three miles south of Bumfuck, Egypt and after exactly two beers and a burger, made Marci take me back to the hotel. She had just finished her last class for the summer session and I made her leave the bar and her friends to take me home.
Guess I'll go procrastinate more doing something else.
I was a total party pooper last night. I had to get up this morning for class so I actually skipped out on free beer. Then when people got back we went out to some bar about three miles south of Bumfuck, Egypt and after exactly two beers and a burger, made Marci take me back to the hotel. She had just finished her last class for the summer session and I made her leave the bar and her friends to take me home.
Guess I'll go procrastinate more doing something else.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Eternal Blankness of the Drunken Mind
I just finished watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Wow. Great flick. Or maybe it's just 'cause I'm drunk.
Nope. Just a great picture show.
Nope. Just a great picture show.
Posted to wrong blog last night after a sixer
I should probably keep this to myself, but here it is anyway.
Special Olympics, Here I Come or 6 Random Thoughts
I just walked out of my room (becuase for some reason, there's never a smoking room available) and it sounded like a gunfight had broken out. Apparently, the local amusement parks have a fireworks display on monday nights. Of course. Am I stupid or what?
I'm in a bad place as far as a travelling married man goes. Porn no longer interests me but I'm still, to put it one way, excitable. Bad. Very bad.
I want to build a bike. I have a good (to me that is) design in mind. All I have to do is become rich, learn something about motorcycles, learn to fabricate metal panels, learn to weld, and learn how to wire a bike, and figure out where I'm going to get the tools to do it. Pretty close to done, huh?
I go back to ATL the day after tomorrow, but I can't find where I made a reservation if I made a reservation. I'm almost positive I did, but I can't seem to find the information. I should be looking for that right now, but this is more important to me at the moment.
I've managed to put back a six pack two nights running. Does this make me an alcoholic? Maybe wanting to go get another sixer does. Wait, alchies have a drinking problem. I drink just fine. I hardly ever miss. Perhaps I'm okay.
It seems I've finally ditched the harem. For the first time in quite a while, there aren't busloads of young girls in the hotel I'm staying at. I guess last minute planning has it's advantages.
Special Olympics, Here I Come or 6 Random Thoughts
I just walked out of my room (becuase for some reason, there's never a smoking room available) and it sounded like a gunfight had broken out. Apparently, the local amusement parks have a fireworks display on monday nights. Of course. Am I stupid or what?
I'm in a bad place as far as a travelling married man goes. Porn no longer interests me but I'm still, to put it one way, excitable. Bad. Very bad.
I want to build a bike. I have a good (to me that is) design in mind. All I have to do is become rich, learn something about motorcycles, learn to fabricate metal panels, learn to weld, and learn how to wire a bike, and figure out where I'm going to get the tools to do it. Pretty close to done, huh?
I go back to ATL the day after tomorrow, but I can't find where I made a reservation if I made a reservation. I'm almost positive I did, but I can't seem to find the information. I should be looking for that right now, but this is more important to me at the moment.
I've managed to put back a six pack two nights running. Does this make me an alcoholic? Maybe wanting to go get another sixer does. Wait, alchies have a drinking problem. I drink just fine. I hardly ever miss. Perhaps I'm okay.
It seems I've finally ditched the harem. For the first time in quite a while, there aren't busloads of young girls in the hotel I'm staying at. I guess last minute planning has it's advantages.
Monday, July 19, 2004
I feel like I need a shower. I feel used. Dirty, dirty, dirty.
Some freak of nature was looking for circumcision pictures and tripped over my little diary thing here.
Surely I'm over reacting. It's possible it was some doctor or a student doing a report of some sort needed the pictures, right? Not some pervert or violent feminazi? I guess it's better than being the result of other searches.
Some freak of nature was looking for circumcision pictures and tripped over my little diary thing here.
Surely I'm over reacting. It's possible it was some doctor or a student doing a report of some sort needed the pictures, right? Not some pervert or violent feminazi? I guess it's better than being the result of other searches.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Is it really possible that in the year 2004 a hotel still has phone lines from the 50's and no high speed internet access? I may not be updating much for the next couple of days for the following reasons
- My connection is a blazing 26.4Kbps
- This hotel also charges an arm and a leg for local calls ($1.15 if the other side just picks up)
- I'm not that patient
- Or that rich
Well, at least the TV stations here suck.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Is it really possible that of all the four thousand people that spend time at my apartment, I'm the only one that can work a plunger effectively? I won't elaborate, but it seems very unlikely. I really think when shit breaks around here the people in attendance conciously and on purpose say "Leave it for Brad. He's used to coming home and spending all 16 hours he has here cleaning and repairing what we break. He loves it. It's not like he wants to relax or be intimate with his wife or spend time with his son or anything else." I think I'm going to just stop coming home. I'm sure that I can justify staying on temporary duty over the weekends.
First, an apology. I know that Marci said she would go on hiatus and I would post the happenings, however, that was not the case. We both took a break from blogging, although for two seperate and unique reasons. Hopefully, she got over hers. She said she had a lot of school stuff on her mind, but I think she was lying to me. She'll tell me when and if she wants to. As for my pitiful excuse for neglecting you, faithful reader, I was cheap. The hotel I was at wanted to charge for local calls. Not a nominal fee mind you, but it would cost me two bucks just to log on to a dial-up connection. Screw them.
Secondly, for Marci and Melanie. All that ruckus today to get me to the airport and the damn plane was delayed an hour! I know I'll get to see you next week, but that damn umbilical cord (as my parents used to describe the connection) only streches so far for so long and, consequently, I miss you gals already. Seriously, come up here. Next year. That way I'll be here too. Or feel free to come visit me in DC when I'm indentured up there in the fall.
Now, on to the post. I'm never telling those folks a bedtime story again. I tried to tell a story at least 10 times before bed and then 3 or 4 times when we were all settling down sleep and every damn time I got interrupted. I guess they didn't like it because I was listening to their last critiques and not using their input to change it. There is absolutely no pleasing them. I mean, what normal people wouldn't want to hear a story about the real live big bad wolf and how I saw him in my granparents house or a tale of when I saw a ghost? Jeezluise, one day I'm just going to learn that my place is to "shut up and look pretty", apparently. I'd suck at that too, probably.
AFTER THE FACT EDIT: My back deck is like Arachnaphobia. There are no less than eight spiders chillin' by my back door. I wouldn't care, but they're trying to ensnare me in their webs by covering the door jam with that icky silk.
Secondly, for Marci and Melanie. All that ruckus today to get me to the airport and the damn plane was delayed an hour! I know I'll get to see you next week, but that damn umbilical cord (as my parents used to describe the connection) only streches so far for so long and, consequently, I miss you gals already. Seriously, come up here. Next year. That way I'll be here too. Or feel free to come visit me in DC when I'm indentured up there in the fall.

Now, on to the post. I'm never telling those folks a bedtime story again. I tried to tell a story at least 10 times before bed and then 3 or 4 times when we were all settling down sleep and every damn time I got interrupted. I guess they didn't like it because I was listening to their last critiques and not using their input to change it. There is absolutely no pleasing them. I mean, what normal people wouldn't want to hear a story about the real live big bad wolf and how I saw him in my granparents house or a tale of when I saw a ghost? Jeezluise, one day I'm just going to learn that my place is to "shut up and look pretty", apparently. I'd suck at that too, probably.
AFTER THE FACT EDIT: My back deck is like Arachnaphobia. There are no less than eight spiders chillin' by my back door. I wouldn't care, but they're trying to ensnare me in their webs by covering the door jam with that icky silk.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Marci just challenged Kevin. The thing was he had to blow up the impossible balloon (I tried to find the link to that post, but per usual, it's just too damn hard). She said that she'd lay him if he did it, so, when she left to go get beer, we stretched to balloon out with the kitchen sink and acted like he had been trying the whole time. Then he blew it up after she past us when we were outside and brought it to her. She didn't pay up. I think she might have seen through it.
I have to give some props to Matt (Lurker Boy). He just tied the balloon into a dog shape. I don't know if he knew what he was doing or not, but he did it so good for him.
More to come I'm sure.
I have to give some props to Matt (Lurker Boy). He just tied the balloon into a dog shape. I don't know if he knew what he was doing or not, but he did it so good for him.
More to come I'm sure.
Saturday, July 10, 2004
I woke up this morning with a hangover I just can't kick. They don't usually last this long if I'm not working. I don't understand.
I went and played poker last night. The Wife and I were killing them; until, on the last hand, The Wife decides she's going to go all in on a pair of 8's that she didn't get until the river, I had the common sense to fold way before then. I should also add there was a possible straight showing. Guess what won. I'll give you a hint, it wasn't a pair of eights. It's alright, I was still up so we don't lose that much, thank you very much miss "all in". It was still fun. We kept Mike up until eight trying to teach him to gamble. We're so horribly irresponsible.
If I can just get rid of the hangover before tonight and my plane ride accross the hemisphere early, early, early tomorrow (or also late tonight).
I went and played poker last night. The Wife and I were killing them; until, on the last hand, The Wife decides she's going to go all in on a pair of 8's that she didn't get until the river, I had the common sense to fold way before then. I should also add there was a possible straight showing. Guess what won. I'll give you a hint, it wasn't a pair of eights. It's alright, I was still up so we don't lose that much, thank you very much miss "all in". It was still fun. We kept Mike up until eight trying to teach him to gamble. We're so horribly irresponsible.
If I can just get rid of the hangover before tonight and my plane ride accross the hemisphere early, early, early tomorrow (or also late tonight).
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Well, as you can tell, Mike has started posting the occasional update. He's a piece of work, I'll say that much.
Two things
Number the first) AAARRGGGHHH!!! I can't take it.
Number two) I'll bite:
Bold the ones you’ve seen, and add three to the end.
01. Trainspotting
02. Shrek
03. M
04. Dogma
05. Strictly Ballroom
06. The Princess Bride
07. Love Actually
08. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
09. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
11. Reservoir Dogs
12. Desperado
13. Swordfish
14. Kill Bill Vol. 1
15. Donnie Darko
16. Spirited Away
17. Better Than Sex
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Pirates of the Caribbean
20. The Eye
21. Requiem for a Dream
22. Dawn of the Dead The original.
23. The Pillow Book
24. The Italian Job (the new version)
25. The Goonies
26. Baseketball
27. The Spice Girls Movie (Spice World)
28. Army of Darkness
29. The Color Purple
30. The Safety of Objects
31. Can’t Hardly Wait
32. Mystic Pizza
33. Finding Nemo
34. Monsters Inc.
35. Circle of Friends
36. Mary Poppins
37. The Bourne Identity
38. Forrest Gump
39. A Clockwork Orange
40. Kindergarten Cop
41. On The Line
42. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
43. Final Destination
44. Sorority Boys
45. Urban Legend
46. Cheaper by the Dozen The original.
47. Fierce Creatures
48. Dude, Where’s My Car
49. Ladyhawke
50. Ghostbusters
51. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
52. Back to the Future
53. An Affair To Remember
54. Somewhere In Time
55. North By Northwest
56. Moulin Rouge
57. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Zoolander
60. A Walk to Remember
61. Chicago
62. Vanilla Sky
63. The Sweetest Thing
64. Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead
65. The Nightmare Before Christmas
66. Chasing Amy
67. Edward Scissorhands
68. Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
69. Muriel’s Wedding
70. Croupier
71. Blade Runner
72. Cruel Intentions
73. Ocean’s Eleven
74. Magnolia
75. Fight Club
76. Beauty and The Beast
77. Much Ado About Nothing
78. Dirty Dancing
79. Gladiator
80. Ever After
81. Braveheart
82. What Lies Beneath
83. Regarding Henry
84. The Dark Crystal
85. Star Wars
86. The Birds
87. Beaches
88. Cujo
89. Maid In Manhattan
90. Labyrinth
91. Thoroughly Modern Millie
92. His Girl Friday
93. Chocolat
94. Independence Day
95. Singing in the Rain
96. Big Fish
97. The Thomas Crown Affair (the new version)
98. The Matrix
99. Stargate
100. A Hard Day’s Night
101. About A Boy
102. Jurassic Park
103. Life of Brian
104. Dune
105. Help!
106. Grease
107. Newsies
108. Gone With The Wind
109. School of Rock
110. TOMMY
111. Yellow Submarine
112. From Hell
113. Benny & Joon
114. Amelie
115. Bridget Jones’ Diary
116. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
117. Heavenly Creatures
118. All About Eve
119. The Outsiders
120. Airplane!
121. The Sorcerer
122. The Crying Game
123. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
124. Slap Her, She’s French
125. Amadeus
126. Tommy Boy
127. Aladdin
128. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
129. Snatch
130. American History X
131. Jack and Sarah
132. Monkey Bone
133. Rocky Horror Picture Show
134. Kate and Leopold
135. Interview with the Vampire
136. Underworld
137. Truly, Madly, Deeply
138. Tank Girl
139. Boondock Saints
140. Blow Dry
141. Titanic
142. Good Morning Vietnam
143. Save the Last Dance
144. Lost in Translation
145. Willow
146. Legend
147. Van Helsing
148. Troy
149. Nine Girls and a Ghost
150. A Knight’s Tale
151. Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey
152. Beetlejuice
153. E.T.
154. Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone
155. Spaceballs
156. Young Frankenstein
157. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
158. American President
159. Bad Boys
160. Pecker
161. Pink Floyd: The Wall
161. X-Men
162. Sidewalks of New York
163. The Children of Dune
164. Beyond Borders
165. Life Is Beautiful
166. Good Will Hunting
167. Run Lola Run
168. Blazing Saddles
169. Caligula
170. The Transporter
171. Better Off Dead
172. The Abyss
173. Almost Famous
174. The Red Violin
175. Contact
176. Stand and Deliver
177. Clueless
178. William Shakespeare’s Romeo+Juliet
179. Dangerous Laisions
180. I Am Sam
181. The Usual Suspects
182. U-571
183. Capricorn One
184. The Little Shop of Horrors (the one with Jack Nicholson)
185. Die Hard
186. The Flamingo Kid
187. Night of the Comet
188. Point Break
189. Chatterbox
190. Secretary
191. Breakfast at Tiffany’s
192. American Beauty
193. Pulp Fiction
194. What About Bob
195. Roger and Me
196. Fahrenheit 9/11
197. Bowling for Columbine
198. The Professional (aka Leon)
199. The Fifth Element
200. La Femme Nikita
201. Heathers
202. Bull Durham
203. The Scorpion King
204. The Thin Blue Line
205. Do the Right Thing
206. Lady From Shanghai
207. Italian for Beginners
208. Last Year at Marienbad
209. The Apartment
210. Yojimbo
211. A Fistful of Dollars
212. Super Troopers
213. Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human
214. Dodgeball
215. The Terminal
Adding three just isn't enough. Oh well, rules is rules.
Two things
Number the first) AAARRGGGHHH!!! I can't take it.
Number two) I'll bite:
Bold the ones you’ve seen, and add three to the end.
01. Trainspotting
02. Shrek
03. M
04. Dogma
05. Strictly Ballroom
06. The Princess Bride
07. Love Actually
08. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
09. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
11. Reservoir Dogs
12. Desperado
13. Swordfish
14. Kill Bill Vol. 1
15. Donnie Darko
16. Spirited Away
17. Better Than Sex
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Pirates of the Caribbean
20. The Eye
21. Requiem for a Dream
22. Dawn of the Dead The original.
23. The Pillow Book
24. The Italian Job (the new version)
25. The Goonies
26. Baseketball
27. The Spice Girls Movie (Spice World)
28. Army of Darkness
29. The Color Purple
30. The Safety of Objects
31. Can’t Hardly Wait
32. Mystic Pizza
33. Finding Nemo
34. Monsters Inc.
35. Circle of Friends
36. Mary Poppins
37. The Bourne Identity
38. Forrest Gump
39. A Clockwork Orange
40. Kindergarten Cop
41. On The Line
42. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
43. Final Destination
44. Sorority Boys
45. Urban Legend
46. Cheaper by the Dozen The original.
47. Fierce Creatures
48. Dude, Where’s My Car
49. Ladyhawke
50. Ghostbusters
51. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
52. Back to the Future
53. An Affair To Remember
54. Somewhere In Time
55. North By Northwest
56. Moulin Rouge
57. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Zoolander
60. A Walk to Remember
61. Chicago
62. Vanilla Sky
63. The Sweetest Thing
64. Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead
65. The Nightmare Before Christmas
66. Chasing Amy
67. Edward Scissorhands
68. Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
69. Muriel’s Wedding
70. Croupier
71. Blade Runner
72. Cruel Intentions
73. Ocean’s Eleven
74. Magnolia
75. Fight Club
76. Beauty and The Beast
77. Much Ado About Nothing
78. Dirty Dancing
79. Gladiator
80. Ever After
81. Braveheart
82. What Lies Beneath
83. Regarding Henry
84. The Dark Crystal
85. Star Wars
86. The Birds
87. Beaches
88. Cujo
89. Maid In Manhattan
90. Labyrinth
91. Thoroughly Modern Millie
92. His Girl Friday
93. Chocolat
94. Independence Day
95. Singing in the Rain
96. Big Fish
97. The Thomas Crown Affair (the new version)
98. The Matrix
99. Stargate
100. A Hard Day’s Night
101. About A Boy
102. Jurassic Park
103. Life of Brian
104. Dune
105. Help!
106. Grease
107. Newsies
108. Gone With The Wind
109. School of Rock
110. TOMMY
111. Yellow Submarine
112. From Hell
113. Benny & Joon
114. Amelie
115. Bridget Jones’ Diary
116. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
117. Heavenly Creatures
118. All About Eve
119. The Outsiders
120. Airplane!
121. The Sorcerer
122. The Crying Game
123. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
124. Slap Her, She’s French
125. Amadeus
126. Tommy Boy
127. Aladdin
128. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
129. Snatch
130. American History X
131. Jack and Sarah
132. Monkey Bone
133. Rocky Horror Picture Show
134. Kate and Leopold
135. Interview with the Vampire
136. Underworld
137. Truly, Madly, Deeply
138. Tank Girl
139. Boondock Saints
140. Blow Dry
141. Titanic
142. Good Morning Vietnam
143. Save the Last Dance
144. Lost in Translation
145. Willow
146. Legend
147. Van Helsing
148. Troy
149. Nine Girls and a Ghost
150. A Knight’s Tale
151. Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey
152. Beetlejuice
153. E.T.
154. Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone
155. Spaceballs
156. Young Frankenstein
157. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
158. American President
159. Bad Boys
160. Pecker
161. Pink Floyd: The Wall
161. X-Men
162. Sidewalks of New York
163. The Children of Dune
164. Beyond Borders
165. Life Is Beautiful
166. Good Will Hunting
167. Run Lola Run
168. Blazing Saddles
169. Caligula
170. The Transporter
171. Better Off Dead
172. The Abyss
173. Almost Famous
174. The Red Violin
175. Contact
176. Stand and Deliver
177. Clueless
178. William Shakespeare’s Romeo+Juliet
179. Dangerous Laisions
180. I Am Sam
181. The Usual Suspects
182. U-571
183. Capricorn One
184. The Little Shop of Horrors (the one with Jack Nicholson)
185. Die Hard
186. The Flamingo Kid
187. Night of the Comet
188. Point Break
189. Chatterbox
190. Secretary
191. Breakfast at Tiffany’s
192. American Beauty
193. Pulp Fiction
194. What About Bob
195. Roger and Me
196. Fahrenheit 9/11
197. Bowling for Columbine
198. The Professional (aka Leon)
199. The Fifth Element
200. La Femme Nikita
201. Heathers
202. Bull Durham
203. The Scorpion King
204. The Thin Blue Line
205. Do the Right Thing
206. Lady From Shanghai
207. Italian for Beginners
208. Last Year at Marienbad
209. The Apartment
210. Yojimbo
211. A Fistful of Dollars
212. Super Troopers
213. Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human
214. Dodgeball
215. The Terminal
Adding three just isn't enough. Oh well, rules is rules.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Artistic leeway
I just watched about five minutes of the movie version of Stephen King's The Dead Zone and couldn't have been more appaled. I know it's common practice when making a film of a book to move situations around in order to improve cinematic flow, but what those butchers did is unforgivable. The lesser infractions: Chuck Chatsworth is called Chris, Johnny Smith meets Stillson at Roger Chatswroth's house, and Johnny runs into his ex-love at his house. The larger infractions: Chuck (aka Chris) is way too young, the danger that befalls him is completely different (except the death part), Roger's attitude toward Johnny is all wrong, the director or somebody added a scene with Stillson personally threatening Sheriff Bannerman, and . . . well hell, that's enough. Especially for only five or six minutes of movie. Anyway, I haven't finished the book so I quite watching incase there were some spoilers a foot. Yeah right, had I not seen the title, I wouldn't have associated the two anyway.
On a side note. What the hell is going on with blogspot? I have to reload pages four times or so before I actually reach the server. Guess I can't complain since it's free.
On a side note. What the hell is going on with blogspot? I have to reload pages four times or so before I actually reach the server. Guess I can't complain since it's free.
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Damn, Mike's update used a few pictures, huh?
It's an exciting Fourth of July here. The wife's sick so we're spending it at home and alone. That's fine I guess. It gives me time to enjoy my nice clean house (I spent seven hours yesterday trying to get the house in some sort of order and still didn't get done, but I did get close). It would be great if I didn't have a headache to end all headaches. Guess I shouldn't have started drinking so early. Oh well, a man's got to feed his demons.
Approximatly six days and two hours before I leave this house for ATL. I have to be at the airport by 10:30 because the only flights out of this place are the red-eyes. I'll be staying in a different place this time, so I'm affraid it might suck. That's not entirely true, I have a feeling it won't be so bad because I'll be near Lenox Mall. Not that I'm a big shopper but . . . why the hell am I telling you this?
Time to go clean more. Whoo-freaking-hoo
It's an exciting Fourth of July here. The wife's sick so we're spending it at home and alone. That's fine I guess. It gives me time to enjoy my nice clean house (I spent seven hours yesterday trying to get the house in some sort of order and still didn't get done, but I did get close). It would be great if I didn't have a headache to end all headaches. Guess I shouldn't have started drinking so early. Oh well, a man's got to feed his demons.
Approximatly six days and two hours before I leave this house for ATL. I have to be at the airport by 10:30 because the only flights out of this place are the red-eyes. I'll be staying in a different place this time, so I'm affraid it might suck. That's not entirely true, I have a feeling it won't be so bad because I'll be near Lenox Mall. Not that I'm a big shopper but . . . why the hell am I telling you this?
Time to go clean more. Whoo-freaking-hoo
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Mike's photoblog

What's up pimps and pimpettes? I'd like to say hello from the land of


When mom and I aren't making a mess and continually making dad

we like to go out and do fun things like

but it's so hard to

sometimes when there are so many

and it only gets this

dark at best, so I can get pretty

and mom and dad just send me to take a

and then lock me in my room until I get bored and pass out.

Friday, July 02, 2004
Who forgot to turn the damn heat on?
Well, I got back yesterday to a scorching 55 degrees. I can't believe that summer has already come and gone, and my co-workers are telling me it's just a fluke, but it appears (today and yesterday) that it has. It's already fall again. The National Weather people say our average temps. are goind to continue to climb and I sincerely hope they're right. I just refuse to believe that the last three weeks have been the only summer we'll see.
Also, the new section of our airport opened up sometime while I was gone. I took the liberty of exploring it while I was lost and found out it has an observation deck. You know, a cool place to go hang out and watch the planes coming and going? Well, it's behind security so you have to have a ticket. What the hell good is that? Damn that don't make no sense.
Also, the new section of our airport opened up sometime while I was gone. I took the liberty of exploring it while I was lost and found out it has an observation deck. You know, a cool place to go hang out and watch the planes coming and going? Well, it's behind security so you have to have a ticket. What the hell good is that? Damn that don't make no sense.