Friday, November 11, 2005
What the fu . . .
Ok. So I just finished watching "High Tension". So . . . what the hell? The scene at the beginning when the guy is in his van skull fucking the disembodied head, dumbasssayswhat? This scene added absolutely nothing to the story rather it called the whole premise into question. I'm supposed to believe that was her? I'm now dumber for having seen this movie.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
My buddy and I have cubicles next to each other, and since we don't waste enough time flapping our lips about boobs and poker, the office put a window between us when they put in the new cubicles. Anyway, today he leaned through our little window and offered me some gum. I accepted, but of course, the first question out of my mouth was, "is this trick gum?" Of course he says no, so I start chewing. After about two minutes it loses it's flavor and I toss it out. Now, this whole time, he's sitting over there cackling maniacally to himself. He leans over again and asks how the gum was. I told him I spit it out because it lost it's flavor already. He was devestated. That's when he told me it was trick gum and it was supposed to get super hot. A perfectly good practical joke is wasted because he didn't have the foresight to try it out on his daughter first. Sheesh, what a dork.