Sunday, May 01, 2005
I cry because I'm happy, or, I'm happy because I cry
Having taken to the habit of visiting a bar who's owner is part owner of the local liberal conspiracy outlet, I have also taken to reading said newspaper (a free print much like Atlanta's Creative Loafing). This paper has become to me the only voice of sanity in an otherwise ridiculously conservative state and/or city. In this paper is a comic (previously referenced in a comment on Rusty's blog) I look forward to every week. "This Modern World" makes me cackle out loud, much to Sonnie the bartender's dismay, and die a little inside, much to my immortal soul's dismay. I laugh because, as Homer Simpson would say, "it's funny because it's true." I turn just a little more into a souless heathen for exactly the same reason.
The newest comics are actually located here.
I could go on about how the more entertaining liberal newspapers are free weekly's and the conspiracy and all, but I'm beginning to lose interest. It's all been done before and I'm growing tired of my sarcastic references to it so I'm sure every one else is/has too.
The newest comics are actually located here.
I could go on about how the more entertaining liberal newspapers are free weekly's and the conspiracy and all, but I'm beginning to lose interest. It's all been done before and I'm growing tired of my sarcastic references to it so I'm sure every one else is/has too.